Thursday, March 28, 2013

Living God's Grace

If you own any electronic device and are at all connected to the world, you've probably heard about the extreme debates surrounding gays' right to marriage.

Facebook has been absolutely flooded with posts, symbols, and profile pictures supporting gay rights...and attacking the Bible, along with anyone who believes what the Bible has to say. Of course, the posts that I've seen attacking various verses pull meanings out of context. And unfortunately, the posters certainly seem ignorant of the differences between the Old Covenant and the New Covenant. I am frustrated, but also incredibly saddened by this. I'm also saddened by the amount of hate speech I've seen on both sides.

An article I read earlier definitely summarizes a lot of what I'm feeling at the moment about the article, and the conflict I've struggled with in my own heart. (To check out the article, click here.) No matter where we stand on the issue, one thing is incredibly clear to me. I know what scripture says, and I know how much God longs for everyone to know who he really is.

God is who he is. People's opinions and thoughts don't change that. He is the God that never changes. He desperately longs for a relationship with every individual. With Easter only a few days away, I am even more reminded of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ to allow for that relationship and for us to live under the New Covenant (1 Timothy 2:5-6). The best ways I know to do that are by sharing the Gospel, loving others, and extending them God's grace. Reacting to anything out of the anger or frustration I may feel does not produce the righteousness of God (James 1:20).

So rather that react, I hope that you (and I) may be able to (by the grace of God) extend love and kindness to others, no matter the cost to ourselves. I pray you stand strong on the Word of God. May you be blessed with grace and peace and remember the ultimate sacrifice.

Happy Easter.

1 comment:

  1. Shema Israel, the Lord is God the Lord is One! Love the Lord your God
    with All of your heart,
    with All of your mind, and
    with All of your stregth.

    And Love your neighbor as yourself.

    I don't need to repeat these words to you, but, remember, the Jewish people of old believed that these words are the very definition of Shalom, peace and life.

    Nothing is more paramount than love. Love God with every thing, every bit, every ounce, everything that you are. Passions, Thoughts, Actions.


    Love other people with WHO you are. Love absolutely everyone, and especially those you may hate and disapprove. Love the Samaritan.

    Basically, to selflessly love people, is very much what it means to love God. "If you love me, obey my commandments."

    To love is to live. Live Shalom. Live the way God created this world to be. Love the way God created you to love.

    Should we love and accept homosexuals?
    Should we love and condone their behaivor?
    Parish the thought.

    Homosexuality just like any other sin is part of living a life that goes against the very grain of creation those continuing the human tendency to break creation and be all focused on ourselves. On us. Selfishness instead of selflessness.

    Everyone is born with the tendency.

    Bless God because this world is not condemned!
    Bless God because he came into this world to show us who he is and what he is like!
    Bless God because he has shown, is showing, and will show us what love really is!
    Bless God because he gave up his life to begin a new creation!
    Bless God because he is renewing, restoring, recreating this world!
    Bless God because he continues to love, renew, restore, forgive, and so much more when we continually return to selfsish ness, return to breaking creation!
    Bless God because like a lover, continues to take us back, love us, when we are continually unfaithful!

    Bless God this Sunday, the Day of First Fruits, because our Messiah, God himself, rose again and is the first fruits of death being resurrected, renewed, recreated!

    Bless God!

    BTW, I personally bless God for you and some marvelous insights that you bring to the table in this blog.


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